The Possibilities of 
social media


Parker Hughes

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Internet, Cellphones, Social Media, Crypto Currency, The Metaverse, and so many other digital advances- its hard to imagine a time without all of it. But life 30+ years ago looked very different. 
30+ years ago there were no cellphones, no internet, and no social media. If you needed a job, you couldn’t download Indeed or LinkedIn, scrolling endlessly and finally apply with one-click. If you were promoting a product or business, you put an add in the paper. Now? With the snap of a post and click of a button, we can share and promote with ease. 

marketing: then vs now

The once sleazy, relationship-less salesman tactics has now been replaced by influencer marketing. Consumers now want to be sold to by people they know or feel like they know. We value testimonials, reviews, past successes, and stars before purchasing anything online. While consumers in the past often purchased thanks to the Rule of 7’s, consumers now are being offered the same product seven times per day through various media forms like still images or video. Some studies have shown that it now takes the average consumer up to 28 offers before purchasing. 

Regardless of where you stand in this discussion, one thing is inherently true: social media provides opportunities. While many old school marketers or thinkers dislike social media and its affect on the market, we live in a time like never before. We are now able to market, sell product, and change lives from our phones with just the click of a button. There has never been an easier time to live out your wildest dreams while positively impacting the lives of millions and make money while doing it. 

marketing today

Business itself looked different 30+ years ago. To start a business you had to invest thousands of dollars. To promote or market your business, you had to spend thousands- if not millions of dollars- promoting on the radio, in the newspaper, infomercials, tv ads, etc. 

The digital advances we know, love, and take for granted on a daily basis have truly revolutionized the game. We now can create a business with just an idea + a phone, promote what we love for free with the click of a button on social media, and make money online in various ways. 

The opportunities to make money online are essentially endless. Just in the last 10 years Marketing as an industry has evolved. Marketing tactics that were once tried and true have now become “old school strategies” that quite frankly don’t convert or don’t convert enough to be worth the investment. Consumers have evolved and are smarter than ever before. 


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