The Million 
Dollar Question:


Parker Hughes

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Why Do So Many Female Founders Fall Short Of The 2% Club?

One of the most common questions I get is, WHY do so many female founders fall short of the 2% club? 

In 2020, nearly 3 MILLION women left the workforce. 3 MILLION. Across industries, women in the US were being furloughed, laid off, cut hours, or stuck working the front lines while others were being overworked, undervalued, and underpaid. 

here is my best attempt

Daycares closed, school was now virtual, and forms of childcare were now limited. Many families were faced with difficult decisions to make resulting in thousands of women being forced to now stay home. 

Before the pandemic, women wore the hats of: Mother, Friend, Partner, Co-Worker, PTA President, Etc. But during the pandemic, women now wore all the hats mentioned above and now many faced new roles. Roles like: teacher, nurse, WFH employee, house cleaner, nanny, and all the positions they once had help with. 

So why do women so often fall short of the 2% Club? We are constantly being pulled in different directions which makes it difficult to give our all to a business. The workforce effects on Covid-19 prove that when S#*T gets hard, business takes a back seat.  


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